Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Fuf" and the pool

Mary's cousin Muffy came to visit last month. She is still talking about her. She calls "Fuf" on her faux cell phone at least once a night.
The following pictures are from yesterday afternoon. We belong to the pool at the golf course we live on but can only seem to make it on the weekends. Mary and I have the best intentions in the afternoon after work/daycare but we seem to get a thunder storm just about every day from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
Yesterday we filled up her little pool and she was so thrilled. She kept squealing as I was getting everything set up.

All that playing in the pool made Mimi very hungry


That is the sound of Chris and I exhaling. We have been holding our breath and hoping for great results since Mary's heart procedure in January.
She had her final appointment at Children's Hospital last Monday. After an echo cardiogram and an EKG the cardiologist was able to confirm the procedure to close her PDA was a success!

Her heart has started to grow around the coil that was inserted and the echo showed no blood flow in the wrong direction. Now all she is left with is a really cool story to tell her classmates when she is older.

Hooray for modern medicine!!!!!!!!

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