Friday, October 24, 2008

Birthday Princess

Mary Catherine woke up earlier than usual this morning making a weird/scary noise that reminded us of the Great Whooping Cough Episode (May 2007 - October 2007).

Chris hopped up and brought her into our bed. She seems to be just fine. My guess is that she opened her big blue eyes at 5:40 am and said "Wait a's my birthday! I am not going to sit here in this crib all alone. It's my birthday, people! Hmmmm, what can I do to get them in here ASAP......oh right, scary, choking-like cough. That gets them every time."

Once we were all up and getting ready for the day she really got in a birthday frame of mind. She asked her Daddy to put on her "birthday princess" shirt and requested cupcakes for breakfast. I explained that the cupcakes I made were to share with her friends at daycare, probably after lunch. The birthday princess then put up a big fight when I tried to put on her shoes and coat.

When we got to her Noni's house it was obvious that she knows how to treat a birthday princess! Big, shiny balloons, a Dora cupcake with two candles, and a giant stuffed Dora waiting to be unwrapped. Mary's face lit up and I'm fairly certain she gave me a look as if to say "now THIS is what I'm talkin' about!"

Thank you Noni (who will be a birthday princess herself tomorrow). I think you made her day.

You made it a lot easier for me to leave Mary on her birthday morning knowing she was celebrating in style with her Noni.

Happy Birthday Mary Catherine
Mommy and Daddy love you with all our hearts!


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday Mary Catherine!

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday Mary Catherine!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Mary Catherine (a few days late)!

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