Friday, October 31, 2008

2 Year Check Up

Yesterday Mary Catherine had her two year check up. For those of you keeping track, her 2 year stats are just about the same as 18 months....

Weight - 26.5 lbs
Height - 32 inches

It was an uneventful visit (those are the best kind) other than the nasal flu mist. This replaces the flu shot for most little ones that are 2 and older.

While we are talking about the flu....... run, don't walk to get a flu shot. I had the honest to goodness flu last year on Valentines day and it was miserable. I got tuckered out opening my eyes and my skin hurt, ok? It was that bad. I've passed on the flu shot for most of my adult life. Never again.

The doctor did tell Mary she has to eat more veggies. Her steady diet of goldfish, honey wheat pretzels and bananas did not impress the pediatrician. I'm starting a letter writing campaign to plead with Pepperidge Farms to start making those little fish with some broccoli in them.

Does anyone have tips on how to get a veggie-phobic two year old to eat the good stuff?


Courtney said...

My carb-o-holic seems to eat just about anything in "cupcake" form. In fact, I recently solicited some recipes for veggie-rich breads and other foods, because getting Benjamin to eat is a daily battle.

He's currently a big fan of pumpkin muffins that we call cupcakes. I also plan to try making more banana muffins, as well as to sneak veggies into other recipes.

I bought the Deceptively Delicious cookbook about a year ago, but have been lame, at best, at making things from it...but am committed to try more things, in attempts to get some veggies, and a little bit of protein in them.

Wow, that was long winded, to say...I'm with you!

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear the check up went well; we haven't gone for ours yet, but I'm SURE Dr. P is going to say the same about J.

Cheese crackers and pancakes aren't don't really constitute a good diet.

But Dave's been making banana bread (cake) and zucchini bread (cake) and, well, anything veggie, but in cake form is good for J.

Crystal said...

You have broken the cardinal sin of pediatrician visits: telling the truth. ;) I think all toddlers are like ours--I know mine lives practically on fruit roll-ups and yogurt-covered raisins alone, and I'm pretty sure those don't count as actual fruit by any stretch! II can't believe how grown-up your little cutie is getting!

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