Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween 2008

Mary Catherine dressed up like Ruby from the Noggin show Max and Ruby. Ruby is very popular at our house (see birthday pictures). Her Auntie Robin took a plain ol' bunny costume and made Ruby come to life. Thank you Auntie!

Due to the large amount of sugar rushing through her system, Ruby wasn't very interested in being photographed.

Kennedy was a sweet little girl monkey. You can't see it very well in this picture but her costume had the biggest belly. So cute! Also worth noting is the fact that her parent give out full sized candy bars on Halloween. They made our fun sized Charleston Chews and Junior Mints look pretty sad.

This was Mary's third Halloween but her first time Trick or Treating. This was one of the first houses we stopped at. Don't be fooled by their light being on and the jack o lanterns on the front steps. These people were not handing out candy. How confusing for a little person.

After knocking on most of the doors in our little neighborhood we headed over to Noni and Pop Pop's house.

Finally she could sink her teeth into that Tootsie Roll she had been eyeballing all night.


Stephanie said...

Awww, what a great Ruby she made!

Glad you guys had a good Halloween, the weather was mild for us this year.

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