Sunday, October 14, 2007

Busy Weekend

The Parks' had a very busy weekend. Saturday afternoon Chris helped our next door neighbors build a fence for their backyard. On Sunday we got up early and drove to Thurmont, Maryland for Colorfest. It is a fall festival and craft fair. We had a great time in the chilly weather, eating and shopping our way through the festival.

We met up with Mom Mom, Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Randi at the festival. We look forward to seeing them soon for Mary Catherine's birthday.

Mom Mom and Mary Catherine at Color Fest

Nana and Kate

MC and Aunt Marilyn enjoying a turkey leg

Mary and Mom helped supervise the fence building project

Chris is now an expert at installing fence posts (and digging up the boulders in the way)

Our neighbor Erik - the proud owner of a new fence


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