Here are a few pictures from our trip to New Hampshire.
Harry and his big sister Ellie were extra helpful with Mary during our stay. They managed to keep her entertained for four days straight!
Mary Catherine shared her top secret cookie recipe with Ellie and Harry.
Then Auntie Robin dressed her up in her collection of antique children's clothing. This made Auntie very happy and made Mimi very sad. I had a hard time taking this picture because I was laughing so hard. Is that wrong?
Ellie wants a dog so bad for Christmas she was willing to go along with the whole marshmallow madness. This was difficult for her as she has a strong sense of decorum and good manners.
On our last night Chris suggested making s'mores in the fancy dining room fire place. That handsome devil (no not Chris, the other handsome devil) in the picture below is our nephew Max. He and I had the job of stick collectors. He collected sticks, I watched and made sure he was careful on the icy stairs. That's what aunts do.
This is Andy, he is my sister and brother-in-law's foreign exchange student from Korea. My sister didn't think having six sons of her own was enough, so she decided to import another brooding teenage boy from a far away land.
Andy said he thought making dessert in the fireplace was a great idea. He was totally thinking, "Crazy Americans!"
Ellie wants a dog so bad for Christmas she was willing to go along with the whole marshmallow madness. This was difficult for her as she has a strong sense of decorum and good manners.
She would do just about anything for a puppy to show up under her Christmas tree.
Santa, if you are reading this blog please do what you can for Ellie. She loves animals and I just know she would be a great pet owner.