Saturday, July 28, 2007

Right on Track

Mary Catherine's check up went great. She now weighs 18 lbs and is 28.5 inches long. This puts her in the 50% percentile for both height and weight for baby girls her age.

We think she is 100% fabulous!

Her developmental skills appear to be right in line with that of a nine month old. She does wave hello and bye-bye and even tries to say bye-bye when you catch her in the right mood.

The doctor said her heart murmur is not audible. This is great news. Mary Catherine will have a follow up around her first birthday just to make sure the murmur is gone for good.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Mary Catherine has here nine month well baby visit tomorrow at 8:30 am. We are looking forward to see how much our little peanut has grown. We will be sure to post her stats tomorrow.
Right now she is in 12-18 month clothing and probably will be through the fall. I have noticed since she has started crawling she is getting a little slimmer and her pants are more loose around the waist.
Speaking of clothes - oh my goodness what a chore it is to get her dressed these days! She manages to wiggle her way out of our clutches with the skill of an olympic gymnast. She thinks this is very funny.


Welcome to the Parks' Family new and improved blog!
We hope to use the blog to keep in touch with all of our friends and family. Let's face it, this thing will mostly be used as a vehicle to show off cute pictures of Mary Catherine.
Like this one......

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